Design & Consulting

Because of our specialized expertise, we are frequently hired by architectural firms to serve as the specialized aquatic planners and designers on a variety of projects.

For these types of projects, we work under the lead project architect to ensure that the aquatic facility portion of the project is professionally planned and designed to satisfy the client’s needs and objectives perfectly.

Planning and Study for Swimming Pool Design in Dubai

Planning & Study

Along with concept drawings, we develop total project & construction cost estimates to serve as the basis for funding & contractor bidding.

We also provide an operation projection for revenue & expenditures, & develop a business plan using your local costs for wages, utilities & chemicals. Income projection using your specific ticket & program pricing is available as well.

Aquatic Design & Engineering for Luxury Pools

Aquatic Design & Engineering

Aquatic areas can present some of the biggest challenges for architects & designers.

If each element is not carefully considered, the results can be unsightly, expensive & potentially damaging to the surrounding building.

• Architectural design
• Technical design
• Design development
• Probable costs
• Construction documents
• Bidding services

Construction Administration

Construction Administration

We will review & prepare contractor submittals & ensure conformance with the design concept.

• Site visits & progress reports
• Equipment & supply needs
• Shop drawing review

Post Occupancy

Post Occupancy

As construction nears completion, we coordinate facility start-up services and the staff training in operation and maintenance. Our Certified Pool Operator Instructor is available for training on filling the pool, filtering the water, backwashing the filters, adjusting chemicals, and draining and winterizing the pool water treatment facilities.

Our team also serves as a valuable resource after completion and are available at any time to address your questions and concerns. From simple inquiries about maintaining chemical levels to more complex questions regarding mechanical issues, our team will be there to support you and your facility.

Projects we cover

We help public and private sector clients everywhere plan and design all types of facilities such as:

• Commercial Waterparks

• Municipal Waterparks

• Competition Swimming Pools

• Natatoriums

• Military Training Facilities

• Water Recreation Facilities

• Diving Facilities

• Wellness Centers & Therapy Pools

• High-end Architectural Pools

• Interactive Fountains

• Spray/Play Grounds

• ANY Type of Aquatic Facility!


Be satisfied with nothing less than having your expectations completely fulfilled. Hiring Desert Grove Pools & Spas design professionals who understand your objectives and who have the knowledge, experience and technical skills to meet those objectives will help ensure a successful project for you. Our total commitment to our clients and their success has put our services in high demand. However, we only undertake the number of project commissions that will allow us to give the attention to detail it takes to create facilities that are truly cherished by their owners and patrons. Our commitment to you and your project is that we will dedicate all our resources, skills, and professional ethics to focusing completely on your project and your overall success in your aquatic facility endeavors.